Welcome to VALICATE!
To VALIdate and loCATE your account, enter the Account Number assigned by Diversified Consumer Services, followed by your date of birth in the format 2-digit month, 2-digit date, 4-digit year. You can also enter the ORIGINAL Account Number assigned by the original creditor, followed by your date of birth in the format 2-digit month, 2-digit date, 4-digit year.
For example, if your account number is 123456789 and your date of birth is January 15, 1955, enter 12345678901151955.
If you do not find your account, please see the information at the bottom of this page.
You can also visit the Frequently Asked Questions page on this site or CLICK HERE to connect Diversified Consumer Services.
Valicate My Account
No Results?
If you do not receive the expected result, please check the account number AND correct formatting of your date of birth and try again.
If you STILL don’t receive the expected result, it is because of one or more of the following reasons:
- The account number you entered is not the one assigned by Diversified Consumer Services, and/or
- The account number you entered is not the one assigned by the original creditor, and/or,
- You forgot to enter your 8 digit date of birth directly after the account number, example 01/15/1955 is 01151955, and/or
- You did not enter the account number EXACTLY as it appears on your letter or Statement including hyphens and spaces, and/or
- The date of birth you entered does not match our records, and/or
- Your account is not and has never been owned by Diversified Consumer Services, and/or
- If your original creditor was Lakeshore EMS, LLC, your account may have been assigned to a collection agency BEFORE we purchased it. (Contact us!)
IMPORTANT! Even if you don’t find your account information here and you have received a notice from us, it is a 99.9% certainty that we legally own the account. Before you make ANY payment to ANY other company or payment arrangements, get in touch with us FIRST and save yourself a lot of hassles. Unlike a scammer that has nothing to lose (so they think), we have EVERYTHING to lose by not being able to prove what we say!
When in doubt, reach out! Call us at 1-800-657-5785 or contact us through the website using the CONTACT US page.